Find the Right Tutor for A’ Levels Math Tuition

Published on 29 March 2019 by Edu Aid | For Parents | For Students | Mathematics | Tuition

Math formula on blackboard

Why A’ Levels Math Tuition

Many students are struggling with A’ Levels Math, both H1 and H2. If you are struggling, you are definitely not alone. One of the reasons is because A’ Levels Math is quite a huge jump from Secondary School Math. Another reason is the “honeymoon period” that most JC students believe they are in. While they are still basking in their fun-filled activities and exciting new friendships, many fail to pay attention to what the lecturers are teaching. They believe they can catch up on their own, just by reading their notes. They believe they can catch up when it’s time for exams. Unfortunately, it’s often too late. By the time they bother to look at their notes, everything simply looks too intimidating to them. They start to panic. Almost everyone goes through this, it’s ok. What you need to do now is to find the right tutor to help you. You can still catch up.

Find a Tutor who meets you where you are

The foundation concepts must be set right. A student who cannot understand his foundation concepts for each topic will find the questions too daunting. Find a tutor who meets you where you are – not in the literal sense of coming to your location to teach you (if this is what you are thinking). Find one who knows where you stopped understanding, where you got your concepts right so that he can correct you appropriately and help you understand enough to approach the questions confidently. If your school provides you very comprehensive notes and you have problems trying to understand them, make sure your tutor can read the notes with you and help you get a good grasp of each topic. If your tutor simply goes straight to solving questions without getting your concepts right, you will not be able to solve more challenging questions. You need to make sure you have a good grasp of the concepts in each topic.

[Read: What Makes a Good Math & Science Tutor]

Find a Tutor who challenges you

It can be at once intimidating and exciting. Once you got your concepts right and are confident enough to approach questions, you get more excited when you see challenging questions that you potentially can solve with what you know. With each question solved you feel rewarded with a sense of achievement. With each emotional reward, you feel ever-ready to face your exams. Get a tutor who can challenge you appropriately, offering up questions that help you progress in your confidence level.

Find a Tutor who makes you practice

It is time-consuming to practice, so get a tutor who makes you practice hard and who can very quickly correct your errors and show you where you went wrong. The more questions you do, the more familiar you get with the topics. The more familiar you get the faster you answer your questions. There is no short-cut, no smarter way than simply practicing on different kinds of questions.


The tutor matters. If you find that you are not reaping much from your tuition experience, you should consider a change instead of letting your precious time go to waste with meaningless work.  This Math need not be difficult. It can be really fun if you find the right tutor. Look no further than Edu Aid Tuition Agency to find your tutor.

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